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Mission Works

We connect great-hearted people like you with the people and places where God’s powerful work is evident.

If you want to give, but you’re not sure where to start, we promise:

100% of your donation will directly support mission works

✔ You will be a partner and a member of a community of missions

✔ You will receive ongoing communication about the mission works

✔ The FLOW will be engaged with each mission work through monthly video calls and annual site visits

✔ The FLOW will pray for you and support your desire to share your faith

✔ The FLOW will provide resources to strengthen your discipleship

✔ The FLOW will be available to answer any questions you may have

✔ Your ideas will be welcomed!

God is moving in unprecedented and powerful ways throughout the world!

We are grateful to be engaged with mission works locally and globally that are making

disciples, and to partner with individuals who live on the front lines of faith. They

allow the living water of Jesus to flow freely through them, often at great

personal risk, and are great examples of what God can do in “hopeless” and

“impossible” environments. We are honored that you have joined us to become an integral part of what God is doing all over the world!


Current mission works sponsored by 

The Flow Foundation

Atawale International Ministry (AIM)

The dream of Atawale International Missions (AIM) was formed in the heart of Ramjaane Joshua while he was a college student. Living through the Rwandan Genocide and seeing his own father martyred, Ramjaane became convicted that the only path to real peace in East Africa was for Jesus to rule in the lives of his fellow citizens. “Atawale” is the Swahili word for “Let Him Rule.”AIM is currently sharing Jesus’ truth and mercy in eight East African Countries:  Uganda, Rwanda, D.R. Congo, Tanzania, Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, and South Sudan. In each of these countries AIM is providing humanitarian assistance, spiritual training, and Christian community. The FLOW is working with AIM to establish a physical presence in Rwanda. This physical space will serve as a resource for the local AIM disciple-maker to host discipleship meetings. This facility will also serve as a humanitarian distribution center.


Ramjaane believes that having a dedicated location will help build trust throughout the local and national community. During 2023, over five hundred Rwandans confessed Jesus as their Savior and are continuing their discipleship training through the work of AIM. AIM’s goal is for the Rwanda project to function as a model for the other seven countries it serves.

The FLOW provides funds to develop a discipleship facility as a meeting place for disciple-making and for humanitarian efforts. Additionally, the FLOW provides salary for the full-time Rwandan disciple maker.

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Brazil Unreached People Groups

The FLOW partners with Team Expansion to engage five people groups in Brazil with the Gospel. These five people groups had no churches, no Jesus followers, and no missionaries interacting with them until Team Expansion began this engagement process. Brazilian missionaries, some from near-neighbor people groups, are building relationships with the people and sharing the Gospel with them. This is a challenging task as several of the groups live in restricted areas that are protected by the government, making it illegal to enter the area or contact the tribe. Also, many of these people groups have been exploited or threatened by outsiders and are suspicious of new people. 


God has raised up and equipped a unique group of missionaries who have prayerfully and carefully developed creative strategies to contact these groups and show them the love of God. One missionary serves as an interpreter to help an isolated group communicate with health workers and government agencies, and he also advocates for the needs of the tribe. He is now welcome into that village. Another worker uses his construction skills to build needed facilities in one village. He has been welcomed into the village and invited into surrounding villages. By God's grace they now have baptized believers and active churches among two of the people groups, such as the witch doctor, who is a village leader, noted in the photo. Individuals in two more groups have asked to learn more and are studying the Bible with the missionaries.


The FLOW provides support for the five teams.


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Brooklyn Howard, Mozambique

In the Portuguese speaking country of Mozambique, Brooklyn teaches English to the Makua-Metto people; one of the most unreached people groups in South-Eastern Africa. Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world, and this region is one of the poorest in the country. The surrounding countries have English as an official language, which makes competency in English highly desirable for employment. Teaching English by using the Bible as a textbook, the students not only learn English, but also learn about the Gospel. As a result of Brooklyn’s work, Muslim individuals are currently studying the Bible to learn about Jesus. Students in the class are encouraged to participate in one of the 80 churches in Northern Mozambique, where groups are forming at a rapid pace.


The FLOW provides support for Brooklyn that enables her to share Jesus with her students.

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Croatia for Christ

Croatia for Christ is a ministry developed by the churches of Christ in Croatia. In a traditionally Catholic environment, the ministry aims to promote, direct, and help local church communities share the Gospel. They want the people of Croatia to not merely perform traditional rituals. but to have a personal, loving relationship with God. Croatia for Christ supports the local churches through various ministries, not only serving churches, but also serving the general population of Croatia. One of these ministries is the television ministry which consists of Bible-based television messages they produce that are aired on eight local stations. These stations transmit to every corner of Croatia sending the good news of Jesus. They also publish a quarterly magazine that provides information about area churches, original theological articles, and Christian testimonies. It is free of charge and the Varazdin Church sent the last issue to more than 2,500 families in Croatia. Throughout the year they organize church gatherings, camps, and special events to build community with other Christians, and to engage non-Christians. They want to praise the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through everything they do.


The FLOW provides funding for Croatia for Christ’s disciple-making camps and outreach events for adults and families. Three people were baptized at the last camp.

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Where will the next generation of missionaries come from? With God’s help each year, CrossWays draws in 100 gifted and committed Christian students to a life-changing nine-day leadership event that focuses on vocational discernment. Held at Pepperdine University, this gathering brings together students who want to be leaders in God’s Kingdom. Many who attended communicated their interest in ministry and missions. What we lacked was the time and resources to identify and effectively connect these mission-minded students with opportunities for deeper engagement and experience in mission service that could lead them to full-time mission work. With the support of The FLOW, we now annually facilitate, and support select Christian high school students to experience missionary life in an authentic and healthy environment. Through the Global Outreach Connection (GO-C –pronounced “Go See!”) These students receive training, overseas experience, and first-hand contact with effective missionaries in the field. This inspires and encourages these students, who have hearts for ministry and missions, to consider the investment of their lives in the great work of sharing God’s word through missions. Because of The FLOW, future missionaries get the needed encouragement and training to propel and equip them to pursue a full-time commitment to missions.


This year The FLOW will provide funding for eight students to travel to East Asia to experience “first-hand” mission work.

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Diaspora Pathways

Christianity among Afghans is a relatively new phenomenon, and the numbers of new Christians are growing at a rapid pace. The work of the Diaspora team is to support Afghans to come to Christ, become disciples of Jesus, and work in harmony and unity as this great movement continues in Asia, throughout Europe and in North America. It is their desire to see the knowledge of Jesus sweep through the people and country of Afghanistan. The Missionaries of Diaspora Pathways pray for the day they can witness mass baptisms in the rivers of Afghanistan. To prepare for that day, they evangelize, teach, preach, and study with anyone they can reach, especially among the Afghans in Greece and the Afghan diaspora (those who have dispersed from their homeland) around the world. This is accomplished in three locations in Greece and on-line.


They have a physical presence for their ministry in Athens and two other areas in the country of Greece. In these locations they reach out to refugees and asylum seekers, conduct church services, host teachings and prayer meetings, and operate a tea house. They do extensive on-line teaching to Afghans around the world, including inside the country of Afghanistan.


The FLOW is providing funding for Afghan ministers who are leading Afghani churches in Greece.

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Let’s Start Talking

Let’s Start Talking (LST) equips individuals to offer people something they want but have difficulty finding – a friend who will help them practice and improve their English through meaningful discussions about faith. The results are life-changing conversations at your churches, in your neighborhoods, on your campuses, and around the world! LST provides a proven and effective approach to faith-sharing, training on how to utilize the system, and materials that make it easy for you and your church to utilize the LST approach. From the comfort of home, a local coffee shop, or even while traveling, you will love the ease of using LST’s online platform. LST International sends short-term mission teams of two to five people to build bridges between international churches and their communities using the LST approach.


The FLOW is providing funds to develop five strategically located LST host-site churches who will use LST systems as their evangelistic approach.

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Lighthouse Ministry

Lighthouse Ministry is dedicated to serving the Iranian and Afghan communities in Greece, offering a range of vital services to address their unique needs. Their mission delivers the good news of Jesus to those who have not year heard it, provides food to the homeless and addicts, and provides support for those in crisis. As one of the first points of entry for many individuals from Iran and Afghanistan into Europe, Greece is well placed for outreach and evangelism. The refugees have endured significant hardships and trauma on their migration journeys and are in desperate need of safe spaces to share their experiences and open their hearts. Their dedicated team, including those who have experienced similar journeys, provide effective counseling and support. Additionally, they focus on meeting the emotional and spiritual needs of lonely women and isolated youth. This opportunity allows them to create a secure environment to share the word of God with them.


Another crucial aspect of their mission is education, discipleship, and mentoring. Drawing from their years of experience in Greece, they understand the importance of equipping the growing Farsi-speaking Christian community. They prioritize education, discipleship, and mentoring as fundamental services needed by this community to nurture their faith and spiritual growth in an effective way. Their commitment extends to embracing those who are alone and in need, as they open their doors and hearts to invite them into their homes, celebrate with them, grieve with them, and make them part of their family. They are excited to share that they have courageously initiated an underground church in Iran, where they are actively involved in the education and spiritual guidance of its members.

(For safety, images used are not actual depictions)


The FLOW provides funding for the working efforts Lighthouse.

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Living Deeds

Vijay and Sonia Madiki began Living Deeds Ministries in 1999. The specific objectives of Living Deeds are Education, Welfare Objectives, Health Objectives, Help in Crisis, and Organizational Infrastructure. The objectives exist to create a path for sharing the good news of Jesus. Vijay serves the organization as a Director & Treasurer, and Sonia serves as an Executive Director of Living Deeds’ women’s empowerment\spiritual training effort called SWAN.


Living Deeds is committed to sharing God’s truth and mercy with the Untouchables, the lowest caste in India. This caste typically lives in oppressive poverty and are marginalized in their society. Vijay, Sonia and their two sons live in the village of Pavara in an “Untouchable” neighborhood.


Over the past twenty-five years, Vijay and Sonia have started a church in Pavara, and they lead a congregation in nearby Samalkot. They have worked to provide access to free, clean water for their neighborhood, as well as four neighborhoods in Pavara. In 2005, Sonia started the SWAN ministry to help empower women to begin their own tailoring businesses while receiving spiritual teaching. SWAN has grown to five training centers and engages one hundred women per year.


Vijay uses biblical training and experience to minister to and mentor three hundred rural preachers through monthly gatherings. During each month, Vijay leads four weekly meetings where he helps 70 to 80 rural preachers outline and prepare a month of sermons, as well mentoring the men about their leadership concerns. Through the Rural Preaching Network (RPN) Vijay disciples men (many who are uneducated) who are making disciples in their local communities.


The FLOW provides funding for the SWAN ministry and the Rural Preaching Network.

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Next Generation for Christ

The mission of Next Generation for Christ is to “go, make disciples” who make disciples and SHARE JESUS, to help churches, mission organizations, families, and individuals to better reach the next generation for Christ”- today’s technological, multiethnic, and multicultural generation - in the US and around the world. Next Gen seeks to address this challenge through equipping and training in holistic, Christ-centered mission strategies (Seek, Serve, Share), development and distribution of Christ-centered evangelistic and discipleship resources, and by coming alongside and catalyzing Christ-centered churches and leaders to better share the gospel. 


A major tool for evangelism, discipleship, and English learning that Next Gen produces, uses, and trains in is the Story of Redemption Films (, a series of short, powerful films with discussion questions, made in Israel and around the world. The series is available in more than 40 languages and has been used on five continents. Dr. James Nored is the Executive Director and founder of Next Gen, and the author of the Story of Redemption Film Series.


The FLOW provides funding for Next Gen’s eight “in-country” disciple-makers.


North Africa Mission

The North Africa team is comprised of three families from Cuba who were an integral part of a network that grew to over 15,000 churches planted across the island over the last ten years. In 2020, Mission Resource Network (MRN) started working alongside the Cuba movement leaders to help them fulfill their calling of “sending their best disciple-makers to the unreached.” MRN assessed, trained, and assisted them in launching into North Africa in 2022 to engage Muslim Unreached People Groups.


As they move into their second year in the field, these three families are focused on saturating the region in prayer and developing relationships with locals. They naturally connect through everyday life, as well as serve in a tutoring and skills training access ministry. They are beginning to see relationships move to a spiritual level, and they desire to see God replicate what He did through them in Cuba with the Unreached Peoples of North Africa.


The FLOW provides needed funding for the remarkable disciple making work of this mission effort.

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North Korean Refugee Ministry (NKRM)

With a personal story of a profound and transformative conversion to Christ, Young Cho and the North Korea Refugee Mission have a vision to replicate this experience for those who are distant from God. Their goal is to empower them to become catalysts for accelerating the Gospel movement among defectors and refugees in North Korea and beyond.


1.Creative Access to Refugees & Defectors (CARD): They are committed to rescuing, resettling, and releasing North Korean defectors and refugees. They will serve as influential agents of change, transforming the narrative in one of the most repressive and isolated nations.


2.Disciple-Making Movement (DMM): They believe in the potential of ordinary individuals to play a pivotal role in Christ's redemptive work. People from diverse backgrounds will come to recognize themselves as essential partners in this mission. They will engage in making disciples within their own cultural groups, employing powerful tools like Discovery Bible Study, spiritual training, and retreats.


3.Empowering Leaders (E4 Movement Pathway): Emerging leaders in Asia will experience a revival of hope and passion for the Church's role in God's redemptive plan. They will actively participate in the disciple-making movement, equipping leaders to reach out, disciple, and multiply new disciple-makers. This initiative aims to establish communities grounded in godly principles and foster collaboration with other Christian bodies to mobilize global outreach and missions.


The FLOW provides funding for NKRM’s work to disciple North Korean Defectors.

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Under The Son Ministry

In the beginning, the goal of Under the Son Ministries was to answer God’s call to share the Gospel to the hill tribe people of Northern Thailand. There were many events that confirmed their desire to serve God in Thailand, and it was only five days after they arrived in Thailand that they met Titus and Newa, who had taken in six orphaned and at-risk children and needed support. God had shown them where to start.


Within three years after starting Gethsemane Children’s Home, they answered God’s call again by expanding the evangelistic focus of their ministry. They were already supporting work in the village of Huai Pong. In 2014, Titus and Moses shared their vision to take the good news of Jesus Christ to other villages, starting in the Omkoi district of Chiang Mai province. Currently, Under the Son Ministries supports four men who are sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to those who are lost, three in the Omkoi district and one in the village of Huai Pong. Their hope is to fulfill the great commission found in Matthew 28:19-20 until Christ’s return.


The FLOW provides funding for these four disciple-makers.

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Uprising Bronx

Uprising is a grassroots community-based youth initiative existing in the West Bronx seeking to assist youth in their holistic development through providing opportunities, mentoring, and activities that inspire healthy views of self-worth, identity, and potential. This includes, but is not limited to: homework assistance, trips throughout the city, sponsoring events for the community, offering a safe space for hangouts, hosting Bible studies and skills workshops, and more. They also have an in-house recording studio that is run by the youth.


The youth of Uprising actively work together in their communities to foster and grow the values they desire such as peace, safety, and hope. Through empowerment and their focus on leadership development, youth have been able to initiate community projects and gatherings to build up their neighborhood and serve others well. Uprising is an outreach under Exponent Group. Currently, three churches formed by Uprising meet weekly.


The FLOW provides funds for housing and for Uprising Bronx’s working fund.

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Varazdin Church, Varazdin, Croatia

The Varazdin church was started by Mladen and Renata Dominic over 25 years ago. Since the beginning, the Varazdin church has grown in numbers and spiritual impact. Mladen is the pastor for 75 people who attend the Varazdin church. While serving as the church’s lead minister, Mladen teaches, preaches, provides spiritual counseling, writes a weekly spiritual column for the local paper, produces video messages that are available throughout Croatia, and uses digital internet media to share the Gospel. Twice a year Mladen writes, edits, and publishes the Varazdin Church Magazine, Obiteljski (Family). Obiteljski is published and sent to 2,600 local homes.


Throughout the year the Varazdin Church hosts 22 different outreach events to connect community members to Jesus and their church. One of the church’s most successful outreach efforts is to local children. Each Saturday morning one of Mladen’s co-workers, Vlatka, hosts a time for elementary aged children to learn English at the Varazdin Church’s building. This time of learning and play has proven to be a wonderful entry point for families to learn about Jesus.


The FLOW helps provide funds for the Children’s Outreach as well for the Varazdin Church’s outreach activities.

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